
NopCommerce Products to Instagram

Post the store’s products on Instagram from the store’s admin panel.

HyperNop Send Product to Instagram plugin would allow the store owners to easily post their store’s products on their personal or business Instagram account. In recent years social networks have become an extremely important market for advertisements. Any business which would want to increase their customers and advertise their products and services effectively should take advantage of this useful tool.

Instagram with millions of users across the globe is one of the most popular options for advertisement. All the store owner needs to do is to simply post their products and services with the right labels. However, a store with a moderate-sized catalog could have hundreds of products. Making a new post for even a limited number of these products would prove to be a difficult and time-consuming task.

With this plugin, the store owner would be able to post their products with all the necessaries information on their Instagram account using only a button. After installing the plugin, in every product’s edit details page a new button with the title of “Send Instagram” would be added which would allow the store owners to create a new post about their selected product using a pre-defined template in their Instagram account.
Send Instagram

This plugin would allow the store owners to define message templates for these automatically created posts. The store owner can use static texts and dynamic tokens for these templates. The dynamic tokens would be automatically filled using the selected product’s information like Name, Short Description, Price, Product’s Store Link and Product Tags (a # sign would automatically be added before the tags by the plugin).

Here is a list of dynamic tokens and their uses:

Dynamic Tokens Description
{0} The name of the product
{1} The short description of the product
{2} The price of the product
{3} The additional description of the product
{4} The product’s store link
{5} The product’s tags

Please note that the store owner can add static texts at any place of the template.

Plugin resources can be modified by the store owner (localization).

Older versions of the plugin would be available upon customer request. If there would be any questions or issues, you can contact us.


Developed by HyperNop


1. The ability to automatically create Instagram posts of the store’s products.

2. The ability to define a message template for the Instagram posts.

3. The ability to use dynamic tokens for message templates.

4. The ability to use static text for the message template.


  • Supports the 4.00, 4.10 and 4.20 versions of the nopCommerce platform.
  • Multi-Domain Support
  • Made With Responsive Design in Mind
  • Works With All of the Well Known Themes
  • Upload, Install, Ready to Go!

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